
‘Tribute to a visionary inventor & colleague, Dr. Thomas Mensah’ by Dr. Alexander Anim-Mensah

Today, we honor again the life and legacy of a remarkable individual, a renowned inventor, and a colleague, Dr. Thomas Mensah. Though his passing leaves a void in our lives, his contributions to humanity will continue to inspire and impact generations to come.

With a curious mind and a passion for innovation, our friend dedicated his life to creating solutions that transformed the world. He was a PhD Chemical Engineer, inventor, author and trailblazer in fiber optics and nanotechnology. His groundbreaking research and pioneering spirit have transformed industries and inspired generations.

With a passion for mentorship and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Mensah’s contributions continue to shape the future and empower others to reach new heights. His impact went far beyond his impressive list of achievements. He was a mentor, a guide, and a friend to many. His kindness, generosity, and humility inspired us to strive for excellence and to use our talents to make a positive difference.

We remember his unshakeable resolve, his trailblazing innovations, and his irrepressible enthusiasm. We commemorate his triumphs, his joy, and his unwavering faith in a brighter future, which continues to motivate and inspire us to reach greater heights.

Events we co-featured in

In 2020, we co-featured in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) webinar organized on August 19, under the theme: “Africa Must Industrialize Now — The Urgency for Value Addition to African Products” that was held via zoom. The event was moderated by Emmanuel Bensah Deputy Executive Director of AfCFTA Policy Network, while Rongai Chizema, Chief Technical Advisor and Head of AIDA Implementation & Coordination Unit in the Department of Trade & Industry of the Africa Union Commission commenced it.

The event flyer

All the presenters shared great thoughts on respective subjects pointing to the need for Africa to industrialize and add value to her products so as not to just become a consumer of Western products and ideas refined by materials from Africa.

Dr. Thomas Mensah in particular focused on the need for Africa to pursue steel production and transportation, stressing that “this will give Africa financial freedom, and when we add high-speed trains that could move people around Africa in a much shorter time to promote industrialization.

We were both panelists at a hybrid summit in Accra, in October, 2022, as part of Africa Private Sector Summit’s (APSS) flagship project. The series 002 second summit under the theme ‘Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giants in the Implementation of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Leveraging Strategic Opportunities for Africa’s Turnaround,’ identified 13 project areas. The summit prioritized the establishment of the Africa Education Trust Fund (AETF) as a critical focus area.

The weeklong virtual summit was attended by three AU Member State Presidents namely Botswana, Rwanda (represented by the Minister of Trade) and Niger (represented by a Minister) and opening statements by President of the Africa Business Council (AfBC), Secretary General of the AfCFTA, the President of Pan-African Chambers of Commerce and Industry (PACCI) and prominent institutions.

Although we have known each other for years, and have been involved in few virtual programs together, we had the opportunity to meet physically for the first time in August 2022 in Ghana at the Lancaster Hotel (formerly Golden Tulip Hotel).

Dr. Thomas Mensah is renowned in the field of fiber optics and nanotechnology while I am in the field of membrane science and technology. But we both share common grounds through our individual Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, and co-featurings in conferences bordering on industrializing Africa.

As we say goodbye to Dr. Thomas Mensah, we take comfort in the knowledge that his work will continue to inspire and motivate us. His legacy will live on through the countless lives he touched and the innovations that will continue to emerge from the foundation he laid. Dr. Thomas Mensah, Rest in Perfect Peace!!!


Dr. Alexander Anim-Mensah is Ghanaian chemical engineer, educationalist, inventor, author, business strategist and innovation specialist based in the United States (U.S.). He has over thirty patents relating to machines, devices and efficient use of energy, water, chemicals, energy management, cleaning, refrigeration & heat pumps, optimization, process improvements, performance monitoring, waste minimization, and environmental impacts reduction.

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