New Congressional Ghana Caucus co-chaired by three influential U.S. Congresswomen

Congresswomen Sheila Jackson-Lee of Texas, Sara Jacobs of California, and Gwen Moore of Wisconsin have been chosen from a pool of six candidates to co-chair the newly registered Congressional Ghana Caucus.
The Caucus was formally registered by Ghana Diaspora Public Affairs Collective (GH-PAC) with the California congresswoman Zoe Lofgren’s Committee on House Administration.
It was publicly introduced by GH-PAC at an event held on the grounds of Capitol Hill, on Wednesday, September 21, 2022.
According to a press release from GH-PAC following its launching, the Caucus will inform Members of U.S. Congress on the background, accomplishments, and issues affecting Ghanaians in the United States.
Alan Kyeremateng, Ghana’s Minister of Trade and Industry, presided over the event at the Capitol Hill steps, with promises of active leadership.
The Caucus will function as an unofficial organisation of members committed to strengthening US-Ghana ties and informing policy problems affecting Americans of Ghanaian descent who live in the country.
“As well as establish policies on legislation and issues relating to persons of Ghanaian ancestry who are citizens or nationals of, residents of, or immigrants to, the United States, its territories and possessions; and to provide a structure to coordinate the efforts, and enhance the ability of Members of Congress of Ghanaian ancestry to accomplish these goals”
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Congresswomen Sheila Jackson-Lee of the 18th District in Texas, Sarah Jacobs of the 53rd District in California, and Gwen Moore of the 4th District in Wisconsin will serve as co-chairs of the Ghana Caucus.
Adwoa Kyeremateng and Kim Afoakwa, two Ghanaian political activists in Washington, DC, are the founding members of the Congressional Ghana Caucus.
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.