Isaac Dogboe vs. Jessie Magdaleno 11th Round KO
Isaac Dogboe versus Jessie Magdaleno ends in 11th Round Knockout as referee stops fight in favor of Dogboe.
A great fight for both fighters, suffering their first knockdown career in this fight. First round was Magdaleno’s round when he connected a right hook that sent Dogboe down.
In 5th round a big right hook connected from the Ghanaian fighter puts Magdaleno down and badly hurting him on to the canvas, Magdaleno was trying to recover, and with a strong heart the Mexican-American survived.
After that knockdown, Magdaleno was weakening and hesitating for an exchange. The 9th looked like Magdaleno had bounced back in the fight again, trying to brawl and trying to win the round.
However Dogboe took charge of the 10th round where Magdaleno seems hurt again, leaving the 23yr old Ghanaian to take the advantage and win the round.
By the 11th round, Magdaleno was down again with a right and left hook from Dogboe, Magdaleno came back but he looked too tired and at the same time hurt, Dogboe connected two left hooks that ended the fight.
Isaac Dogboe vs. Jessie Magdaleno 11th Round KO as boxer Dogboe from Ghana becomes new World Boxing Organisation World Super Bantamweight champion on April 28, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.#boxing#IsaacDogboe#DogboeMagdelano#JessieMagdaleno
How it all ended👇🏾
— Oral Ofori (@oralofori) April 29, 2018
Dogboe joins the long list of young Ghanaian boxing world champions like Ike Quartey who became a world champ at 25, Alfred Cotey and Azumah Nelson at 26 respectively, Joseph Agbeko at 27, and David Kotey at 28.
Isaac Dogboe won the World Boxing Organisation World Super Bantamweight Title and improved his record to (19W-0L, 13KO’s) while Magdaleno tasted his first defeat and dropped his record to (25W-1L, 18KO’s).
Source: Various files
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.