
HWPL to hold Washington DC Peace Walk on June 1st

International NGO, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) will be holding a peace walk in Lafayette Square, Washington DC, US, in partnership with the African Union Mission, as part of its “11th Annual Commemoration of the Declaration of World Peace Communication for Global Citizenship of Reconciliation and Tolerance.” 

The peace walk is in alignment with the African Union and its “Silencing the Guns” initiative. Through its partnership with the AU Mission in DC, the event will promote unity and solidarity, while engaging not only government officials, but also the diverse African diaspora, to encourage greater communication and participation in efforts that address root causes of conflict in Africa.

The Ambassador of the African Union Mission to the US, H.E. Hilda Suka-Mafudze, will deliver keynote remarks to begin the peace walk. It will also feature distinguished guests from the U.S. and DC governments, Embassies, local diaspora groups, and civil society leaders. 

The event will commemorate HWPL’s and its partners’ commitment to peace, and bring more attention and support for peace locally and internationally from various stakeholders. Various speakers representing different stakeholders will also give presentations addressing Peace and Security locally and internationally, and the international impact of insecurity no matter where it lies.

“We hope that this year’s commemoration can be not just an event, but a lasting demonstration of the collective will and leaders’ determination for peace. We hope this will be a platform to gain more attention and support for areas of insecurity and conflict, from the local and international community in Washington, DC.,” said HWPL to TheAfricanDream.net in a statement. 

The organisation aims to raise awareness about the critical human rights challenges and emphasize the importance of disamament, peace process efforts, and institutional peace for achieving sustainable development.  

“In partnership with the HWPL local volunteers, many being African diaspora, and our volunteers in over 20 countries in Africa, who are working tirelessly in their respective communities and schools, and collaborating with the Pan-African Parliament and national governments for peace-building initiatives, our DC Office believes this peace walk will shine a light of hope to our family of peace across Africa,” said HWPL. 

“Together, let us unite as a stronger voice to advocate for peace, stability, and the protection of human rights, not only in Africa, but across the continent and beyond.”

Event flyer / © HWPL

HWPL held the first part of the peace walk on May 25, in different parts of the globe including Seoul, South Korea, so that peace can be discussed and on the forefronts of the minds of citizens around the globe. At the event, HWPL and partner organizations worldwide increased awareness of the need for institutional peace in achieving sustainable development and to urge global citizens to engage in the Legislate Peace (LP) Project. 

HWPL holds a special consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC) and United Nations Department of Global Communications (UN-DGC). With over 170 branches around the world, HWPL aims to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, working in all sectors of society. The organisation proclaimed its Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) in 2016, later making it a formally recognized and ratified document in countries and regional organizations, and is gaining support at the UN. 

The DPCW was drafted by HWPL’s Chairman and international law experts representing 15 countries. Its articles are divided into three sections: Preventing conflict, settling conflict, and maintaining a culture of peace. HWPL has implemented, or has plans to implement, its peace education curriculum in over 214 locations in 26 countries, as evidenced in signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). 

“We believe that training a rising generation as citizens of peace is more important than anything else to transform the future of the global community into a better world. For such future leaders to be born, HWPL aims to educate students at schools on topics such as peaceful attitudes, values, and experiences so that they can practice them in society,” said HWPL. 

Source: TheAfricanDream.net

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