Learn more about the Ghana business visitors visas

Ghana business visitors visas requirements: in what circumstances is a visa required for business visitors?
In what circumstances is a visa required for business visitors?
Business visas are required for visitors who are entering Ghana to engage in short-term business activities.
What restrictions are imposed on business visitors in terms of the work that they may undertake and their period of stay in your jurisdiction?
Persons on short-term business visas are generally restricted from engaging in paid employment or work. Short-term business visa holders may engage only in short-term business transactions while in Ghana. Permissible activities include:
consultations with business associates; travel for scientific purposes; education; conventions and conferences; contract negotiations; training; auditing; andestate settlement.
The typical period of stay for visitors on business visas (B1 Visa) ranges from 30 to 60 days; however, visitors may apply to extend this by up to 90 days.
Application and entry
How are business visitor visas obtained and what is the typical turnaround time?
Business visas can be obtained from any Ghanaian embassy, high commission or consulate in the applicant’s home country. Visitors from countries without a Ghanaian consular or diplomatic representative are eligible for an emergency visa on arrival. Emergency visas must be pre-approved before travelling to Ghana.
The turnaround time for acquiring a business visa ranges from seven to 10 working days. Some embassies offer fast-track services.
Are any visa waiver or fast-track entry programmes available?
Yes – the visa waiver programme applies to:
nationals of the Economic Community of West African States; nationals of countries with whom Ghana has a reciprocal agreement;holders of diplomatic passports from certain countries; andholders of official passports of certain international organisations.
Obtaining an emergency visa on arrival is a fast-track option for visitors who fulfil one of the following criteria:
their country of origin has no Ghanaian embassy; orurgent travel plans meant that they had no time to visit the Ghanaian embassy in their country of origin.
Click here to read about other Ghana visa stories
Visa wavier applications must be made in-country and approved by the comptroller general of immigration before travelling.
Short-term training
What rules and procedures apply for visitors seeking to undertake short-term training in your jurisdiction?
Visitors seeking to undertake short-term training (ie, less than 90 days) must apply for a business visa (B1 Visa).
In what circumstances is a transit visa required to pass through your jurisdiction? How is it obtained?
Transit visas permit travellers to spend time in Ghana between flights or transfer to another port in order to reach a destination outside Ghana. Travel visas may be obtained in-country or at a Ghanaian embassy.
Source: Lexicology
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.