Elon Musk And Dr. Thomas Mensah Continue To Achieve Major Milestones In Technology as Africans

Elon Musk born in Pretoria South Africa and Dr. Thomas Mensah from Kumasi Ghana in West Africa continues to make history through innovation and spectacular achievements.

Elon Musk successfully returned American Astronauts from the International Space Station to Earth, 45 years since Apolo Astronauts returned by landing their spacecraft into the ocean which was retrieved by the US Navy, a major feat in manned space flight.
Dr. Thomas Mensah’s Fiber Optics innovation connects over a billion people to the internet platform, as well as help Astronauts communicate with Mission Control through a combination of Satellite communication from Space to Large Satellite dish on earth which then transmit data, voice and video communication through fibre optics to large screens and displays at NASA. As one of the four people to invent Fiber Optics, Dr. Mensah is marveled by the far-reaching impact of this technology in all areas of human lives, even beyond Social Media.
Dr. Thomas Mensah, who is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, has also authored an important book that is critical for Space Vehicle Design and Development.
In his Nanotechnology Commercialization Book, he and Dr. Joseph Koo of Austin Texas developed Ablative Materials using Nanocomposites for Space Shields and Rocket Motors. During Re-entry the space capsule reaches temperatures of 3400 degrees fahrenheit, and plasma and electromagnetic fields stop all communication with the Astronauts for 6 Minutes, Such Space Shields prevent serious Damage to the spacecraft. These Nanocomposite Ablative materials are helpful for even the next challenge of sending humans to Mars.
Read also: Fiber optics expert Dr. Thomas Mensah receives prestigious global award
Dr. Thomas Mensah who is a Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors met the Astronaut Garrett Reisman who is Chief Engineer for the Astronauts Program at SpaceX in Pasadena California and they became friends, and currently serves on the Board of Advisors of the Silicon Valley of Ghana, established by Dr. Mensah at the Kofi Annan Center in Ghana.
The Dragon I Spacecraft was developed as a Public-Private Partnership between NASA and SpaceX. a Private Company. Ghana is using this model for its Megaprojects like the High-Speed Rail being developed by the Railway Ministry. Ghana must continue to invest in Technology even during the COVID-19 crisis.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently sent a satellite to explore the Red Planet during the COVID-19 Crisis, one of the few Non-Super Power Countries to do so. This will ensure that the UAE enjoys the benefits of space technology spinoffs as well as help UAE children and students become Space Scientist and innovators in the future. Such bold investments and vision explain how the UAE turned a desert country into one with nice cities like Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the latter being the fourth most visited city on the planet.
Dr. Thomas Mensah is currently focusing his attention on the Development and Industrialization of Ghana and Africa using his vast network in the Scientific and Technological world to move Ghana and Africa into the 21st Century.
Wtitten by Charles Ntiamoah-Mensah
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.