Drone Stock Footage platform launches in Ghana

Not all videos are considered the same, at least for filmmakers. Some footage are integral to a storyline, and others are what is often referred to as B-Rolls.
“In film and television production, B-roll, B roll, B-reel or B reel is supplemental or alternative footage intercut with the main shot. The term A-roll referring to the main footage has fallen out of use.”
B-Rolls help the main story stand and provide more context in telling an all-round engaging story.
For years, stock footage websites have been serving the filmakers, content creators community well with almost any possible B-Roll footage one can think of.
Shutterstock and Adobe stock, as well as drone specific ones, such as Dronestock, all have made getting footage for use in various productions and edits easy, especially for independent filmmakers and in recent years, YouTubers.
In general, it can be difficult finding African-specific drone stock footage to use on the above mentioned websites. Is the reason because there isn’t enough demand for Africa-centric stock? Or there aren’t enough creators sharing their Africa related stock footage on such websites?
In any case, such collection isn’t abundant, and not always easy to find.
Experience Ghana Today
As a content creator, I’ve began a journey of capturing and categorizing a stock footage collection on Experience Ghana Today, focused on content from Ghana.
With currently over 200 stock footage from Stadiums to Interchanges to Waterfalls, it’s a constantly growing collection of B-Roll grade aerial stock footage from Ghana.
For a starting price of 119$, Experience Ghana Today offers footages that are a minimum of 4K, 30fps, in HEVC and shot in a color profile.
More details are shared in the video below
To browse through the available collection, check experienceghana.today/stock
Your feedback and content requests are welcome. I am more than happy to hear your thoughts on this growing platform.
Source: ExperienceGhanaToday