#TheAfricanDream, an online digital media portal has been created to mainly talk about happenings of Africa and Africans in and out of the continent and how today’s world is being positively impacted by people of African descent and connections. It also covers many parts of Africa and Africans and non-Africans as well who are positively influencing their societies in their own small ways. As a business, TheAfricanDream LLC formed in the Washington, DC area in the United States (US) is also an information an communication research boutique consultantcy.
Through its 30-minute human interest TV called #TheAfricanDream Africans are being empowered wherever they may be, in ways that enable them stand firm to become a light of positivity in their surroundings. Through our inspiration, people share their positive energy through service, donation or motivation with others around them in order to uplift the struggling while shining the light of truth to awaken humanity.
#TheAfricanDream is a movement established in the US in 2010 by Oral Ofori to bring attention to young Ghanaians who believe in their respective futures and the power they have to as Africans to positively influence the continent and the world as blacks and people of color irrespective of nationalities. Since its formation, #TheAfricanDream has grown to expand its focus to include all Africans everywhere as they tell the story of Africans from an African perspective. Their peculiar way of storytelling makes the non-African fully appreciate the real stories of Africa. This is done through the blog: www.oralofori.com; social media outlets on Twitter, Facebook, the award-winning TV show aired in the Washington, DC metro area (to over 250k households) and the help of sponsors and media partners across the globe.
Some of the partners that help tell and share #TheAfricanDream include the Voice Of America radio in Washington DC where Oral Ofori was an intern in 2007 (he currently does consulting for the VOA) and the Afrikan Post print and electronic news outlet in Virginia, US with whom he has been a columnist since 2014, as well as ModernGhana News.
Our Track Record
- 1: A slot for an up to 50 seconds plug before and after the 30mins show airs on TV.
- 2: A one time opportunity to be featured on the show (for 15-27mins) to talk about positive public service connections.
- 3: The opportunity to distribute your company’s printed material to the production crew.
- 4: Acknowledgment as a Gold Sponsor on our Website, Facebook, Twitter pages.
- 5: Opportunity to join #TheAfricanDream on a long-term basis after this 3-month sponsorship expires.
- 6: The opportuity to use the voice and face of Oral Ofori (2 times) in an ad or PSA to promote your interests within the 3-month duration of this sponsorship.
Click here to donate
- 1: One full page advertisement with The Afrikan Post newspaper, one of our partner media sponsors based in the US.
- 2: A 30 seconds acknowledgment during the opening and closing of the show on TV.
- 3: Distribution of your corporate collaterals to our followers on social media.
- 4: The opportunity to use the voice and face of Oral Ofori in an ad or PSA once for the 2-month duration of this sponsorship.
- 5: One business profile publication on our blog and partner media outlets and clients.
Click here to donate
- 1: A one time free advertisement of your business with one of our partner media sponsors either online or in print.
- 2: An up to 15 seconds acknowledgement for you during the opening and closing of the show on TV.
- 3: Wearing your logo on our shirt during the recording of the show or at events we attend or cover in the US, Ghana, and globally.
- 4: One news story about you or your institution to be shared with our media partners online during the 1 month of this sponsorship.
Click here to donate