Bishop Kofi Adonteng Boateng on Sunday May 8, 2016 preached the inaugural sermon of the Duluth branch of the Divine Word Ministries (DWM) church in the State of Georgia, USA. The Bishop who is the general overseer of the church encouraged Georgians to reach out to the Duluth branch as its growth was going to heavily depend on faithfuls based in the area.
The Bishop who flew from the Washington DC area where the headquarters of DWM is located at 6715A Electronic Drive in Springfield, Virginia (VA) to oversee the Duluth Sunday service said “today is really a great day for all of us here who have worked in diverse ways to see this Georgia branch come alive, it is a small start yet we have big plans for its future.”
Belinda Brown who head pastor of the DWM Georgia, Duluth branch according to Bishop Adonteng has been with the church for over seven years. He tells TheAfricanDream.net that “she has been a very faithful servant in the Lord’s vineyard and joined our prayer line from Georgia over half a decade ago, moved on to become an usher and today is head pastor in our Georgia branch which could be reached on phone number +14043192122.”
Divine Word Ministries in Duluth Georgia
“Sunday’s historic service began at 9:00AM and lasted till 12:30PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), the venue was 2930 Old Norcross Road in Duluth Georgia. I was personally impressed by the multinational African congregation there as it points to the sign of good work done by Pastor Belinda Brown and her crew out there in the persons of Roland Baidoo Agede and Gloria Awuku among others.” said Bishop Adonteng.
Pastors Michael Owusu and Derrick Otuo Acheampong respectively, and Elder Dei Dwamena accompanied the Bishop to the Duluth service from the Divine Word Ministries headquarters in Springfield VA. These individuals echoed the general overseer’s sentiments when they said the Duluth branch is a small testament to the church’s desire to expand further in the USA and beyond. DWM now has branches in the American states of Virginia, New York, and Georgia.
“While we continue work on creating more branches across the USA and beyond, we are using today’s technology at our disposal to bring the word of the Lord to a more global audience via our station on Apple TV and our social media presence via our Prayer line on Facebook and on Twitter where you can find me as @Bishop1Adonteng” the Bishop told TheAfricanDream.net
TheAfricanDream.net can confirm that from June 3-5, 2016 DWM through its general overseer Bishop Adonteng will be hosting a nightly service at its Springfield VA headquarters from 6PM EST that is dubbed ‘Get Ready For Your Rain’. Guest speaker at the event will be Reverend Charles Aye-Addo of the International Central Gospel Church.
From July 28-31, 2016, DWM will again feature another event themed ‘My Father My Father’ where Bishop Adonteng plays host to guest speakers Reverend Harry Insaidoo and his wife Lynn. Reverend Insaidoo is the general overseer of the North Kaneshie branch of the Assemblies of God church in Ghana. That nightly event starts at 6:30PM EST at the church’s headquarters.
To find out more about Bishop Adonteng and Divine Word Ministries’ upcoming events and philanthropic activities by visiting their website at www.divinewordint.org
Source: TheAfricanDream.net
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.