AJ Nelson excites fans with a sequel to his Africa Rise Concert

“The agenda of awaking Africa up has never stopped and has thus, become a mantra. This is why the need for another ‘Africa Rise Concert’ has become imperative because the musical revolution is eternal.“
And with these words, Ghanaian singer-rapper AJ Nelson informed TheAfricanDream.net Ghana-based reporter Lim Joe Akaba about the second edition of his Africa Rise Concert the first of which was held this past April at the Zen Garden inside Labone at Accra in Ghana. He explained: “I was very moved by the support from fans and fellow artists during the first one and the energy was so on point my team and I felt it was important to do a sequel.“

The son of Africa, AJ Nelson, has been preaching the need for a positive awakening for Africa through her youth’s seizing the moment this century offers to uplift the continent. “Anytime I grab the mic and drop beats I feel a strong responsibility to enlighten my listener and the earth through my lyrics. We can not continue to play the victim and wallow in the past, we must take the bull by the horns — our children look up to us.“
Read also: AJ Nelson joined by Okyeame Kwame and others to celebrate Africa Rise album concert
The concert this time will be happening at the Republic Bar & Grill inside Osu with AJ Nelson’s The Africa Band on November 27, 2019. It will be the artist’s last show of 2019 as he rounds up the year in preparation for an equally exciting 2020.
From Asa Baako concert which happened earlier in the year in March to the first episode of the Africa Rise Concert through Rock on the Beach earlier in September and Osagyefo Night which celebrates Ghana’s first Present Kwame Nkrumah’s contributions to music and the creative arts in Ghana — AJ Nelson continues wow crowds this year at thrilling concerts.
Entry to the Africa Rise concert at the Republic Bar is free. Come and get enlightened about the truth of the continent and jam to great music from the AJ Nelson and The Africa Band.
Explore the Afrocentric energy of AJ Nelson on social media where you can find him on Twitter as @AJNelsonMusik.
Written by Oral Ofori
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.