African Innovation and Integration of WordCamp Conferences

WordCamp attendee William Derek Jackson is of the opinion that the unmistakable truth to mastering technology is understanding the reality that 80% of all tech careers require the ability to read and comprehend the written word, no matter what language.

African nations are realizing the empowerment of thought leadership using tech. There can be several hundred dialects and language nuances that are related to the African language and technology can connect and magnify the African voices.
Mr. Jackson, himself a blogger, volunteer, organizer and speaker at WordCamp events revealed that communication on multiple platforms can mean sharing content, recognizable content delivery, growth in collaboration and cooperation locally, nationally and on the continent itself.
WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress, the free and open source personal publishing software that powers over 75 million sites on the web.
Achieving success in today’s digital arenas requires each generation of youth, teens and young adults to respect the power of innovation and integration of tech and being able to communicate through spoken or written word on digital platforms. Youth, teens and young adults in Africa must be provided opportunities to attend Kids Camp and WordCamp conferences.
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WordCamp conferences are growing throughout the African continent, the access to innovators, creators, educators, developers, visionaries and others with an eye to the sky for investments is increasing as the infrastructure supporting wireless, satellite and other technologies expands said Mr. Jackson who also labels himself a parent and educator for life.
Cell phone tech has grown by leaps and bounds, WordPress allows content from wireless devices that can empower African content development. Text, video, Podcasting and the use of “live” broadcasts are available, providing content that is current and engaging.
The African educational system has increased access to digital tools to build new generations of digital innovators, content developers, journalist, business people, and software engineers. From the Kids Camp to the WordCamp conference young people like 12-year-old web developer, Obaloluwa Odelana (in the video below) at WordCamp Lagos 2018 can grow into being digital influencers globally, and represent Africa’s young innovators and intellectuals.
“I feel that Africa is facing historic transitions where there is a growing need for African people to be in the right places at the right times so Africans can benefit from the influence and empowerment tech can provide. Africa can have a significant global influence in so many areas only when more of its citizens like Mr. Odelana are mentored and provided increased educational opportunities,” Mr. Jackson said.
The terms thought leadership, digital innovator, smart creatives and others carry respect and influence the vision for the direction of African nations.
Before African students enter the workforce, they will have to understand and be able to apply 21st-century tech skill-sets and use tactical and strategic judgments in how and why to integrate technology. Mr. Jackson feels the WordCamp and the developing Kids Camp are showing how digital innovation and integration are influencing African generations to come.
Find out more about WordCamp Central and Kids Camp and where their next events will be in Africa by visiting and also trace online the hashtag #MyQuestToTeach for updates about William Jackson.
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.