5 African cities to see on your travel destination this year

Here are 5 African cities to explore this year as part of your plans to aid your New Year’s resolution to get more passport stamps as a
We can’t wait to explore these amazing destinations too!
- Kigali, Rwanda
Kigali is probably one of the cleanest cities in Africa and also one of the most interconnected. Recent developments with art, tourism, and technology prove that Rwanda is very keen to see more tourists in town. Who doesn’t want to go see the many gorilla reserves and the famous Hôtel des Mille Collines where Hotel Rwanda was based
2. Accra, Ghana
Named on CNN’s list of countries you should visit in 2019, Ghana is the new hottest tourism destination in Africa. Accra is its capital city and it’s just a day’s journey away from Nigeria by road. We want to see Kwame Nkrumah’s monument, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Castles and all the beautiful beaches.
Click here to checkout other exciting African cities
3. Windhoek, Namibia
Namibia is an exotic paradise, that contains secrets that many are yet to discover. From the cultural tours to the museums, Windhoek is a city that we definitely want to visit soon. We also would love to see the Namib desert from there.
4. Dakar, Senegal
In Senegal, there is much to be explored. Amongst the many, is Dakar, the capital city that sprawls across the Atlantic port on the Cap-Vert peninsula. Dakar is actually a collection of villages, but its vibrant lifestyle is very conducive for tourists. From the music to the French colonial architecture to the epic Jollof, we definitely would like a taste.
5. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa is the sophisticated capital city of Ethiopia, and also the headquarters of the African Union. From the local art and fashion to the local food consisting of a myriad of exciting spices, Addis Ababa is the place to be.
Source: Adaobi Onyeakagbu | Pulse Nigeria
Oral Ofori is Founder and Publisher at www.TheAfricanDream.net, a digital storyteller and producer, and also an information and research consultant.